Posted on 03.27.2017

Honesty and Me

As I write this column, I have just finished my next to final edit on Never Look at The Empty Seats, my autobiography which will be released in October.

I was working from what the publisher calls a copy edit which is actually a copy of the manuscript which has been gone over line by line by a copy editor and any misspellings, or punctuation errors, sources not identified or anything that, in the editor's opinion, bears questioning are pointed out and noted.

I go over the suggestions and make changes where I deem necessary by making pencil notes in the margin, sometimes accepting them, sometimes rejecting them, especially if I feel that that editor's correction of my grammar has interrupted my narrative insofar as vocabulary and flow is concerned, as I want the narrative to reflect my speech patterns and vernacular. Questionable grammar notwithstanding.

As I went through what has been the culmination of twenty years of writing, rewriting, rejecting, starting over and having to go back to add some newly remembered old memory, I tried to be meticulous, especially where my personal beliefs and philosophies are concerned, about saying exactly what I believe.

Accepting that soon what I have written will be available for all to read I wanted to be totally truthful, honestly conveying the ups, downs and sideways of my life as cogently as possible, a clear and precise account of the life of a chubby, far sighted Tar Heel kid whose been showered with God's blessings and protection and has lived a life he didn't even have the imagination to dream about when he first cut the apron strings and walked out into a world he knew very little about.

The hardest and most painstaking and difficult chapter to write was the one on my faith, to attempt to document my journey, my personal beliefs and how I arrived at them was a soul-searching experience to say the least.

One of the reasons it took me so long to finish the book is that, with my ongoing career and no intention of retiring from it, I just couldn't find a stopping, or more accurately, a pausing place.

Where do you end the story when you're having new and noteworthy experiences and new and exciting things are happening in your life.

Well, the decision was made plain for me when I was told I was to become a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame. It just seemed a great place for taking a deep breath, pause the narrative, and maybe leave the new chapters of my life to be documented by me or maybe someone else at a later date, if deemed necessary.

This whole period has been an experience of being honest with yourself and honest about yourself as I divulged some things that I'm not very proud of and the decision to include the ones which had direct effect on the directions I've taken and the man I've become are part of the story and needed to be included, personal feelings notwithstanding.

I wanted to help mentor any sincere young person who is considering a career in the music business, by relating some of the pitfalls I've been a victim of and hopefully pointing out some ways to help them avoid them.

I've had a lot of emotions come into play, reliving 80 years of life and sixty plus years of being a professional musician and seeing this next to last chance of getting it right I guess kinda brought it all home in a condensed fashion.

The i�s are dotted and the t�s are crossed, the stories are told and my life, with all its ups and downs has been committed to print for all the world to see.

It's a humbling experience.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Soap Box.. your new book
Charlie, I've been a fan of your music since High School in North Dakota (1978-81) and still am today. I enjoy seeing your posts on Twitter as they are honest, heart felt and straight talk that I can understand and appreciate, especially the Biblical references which there can never be too many of. Thank you for taking a stand and for encouraging others to do the same. Safe travels out there and may God continue to Bless you and your family and your band. Look forward to seeing your book in print in the very near future. Your fan in Colorado!
Posted by Greg
Honesty and Me
I commend you on your journey and desire to write this book. Although we may all have different career paths, we can still relate to life lessons and humble truths. You can go ahead and put me down for one of your books. Can't wait to read it.
Posted by Matt
The Books
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, I am sure it is very humbling, kind of reminds me of Revelation 20:12 when the books are opened for judgement, hopefully many reading this will find their name in the Book of Life. Sure look forward to reading your life story as told by one of the all time writer's in my opinion God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Honesty and Me
Charlie - I am also a writer and writing from the heart is the most naked you can ever be. But truth and honesty can only beget the same from our readers and that is our true blessing. Good luck with what I am sure will be a great book!
Posted by Allen
I cannot wait to read the story of your life, Charlie. Your music has been a part of my life for 50 years and my number one item on my bucket list got checked off when I FINALLY got to see you in Huntsville earlier this month. I love your heart for Jesus, your country, and your family, especially Ms. Hazel. Thank you for being a man of honor and a man of God. May God bless you with many more years of making music and keeping us all straight. Love you, Charlie!
Posted by Karen
Your book and your posts
Mr. Daniels, I grew up listening to country music, and have always loved yours, as we traveled and lived between Yazoo City MS and Tappahannock VA, my parents and six brothers and I, in a Chevrolet station wagon. I love your posts on Facebook and how you articulate about life and our country is awesome. Can't wait for your book to come out.
Posted by Martha
Thank You
Thank you for all you do for our military. I work for the military and wonder each day how much more will we have tolerate. I read your post about your heart surgery, God must have a great mission for you to fulfill.
Posted by Tamara
Honesty and me
I am looking forward to reading your book. God bless.
Posted by Michael
Honesty and Me
If you can't be honest about yourself, you can't be honest with anyone. You have always been a straight up, moral conviction, man. I have always admired you as you are a very humble man even though you have been in the worldly world. Thank you for just being you!
Posted by Sonja