Posted on 05.06.2016

Signs and Suspicions

We have all heard the rumors, the stories, and the conspiracy theories about a secret confederation of international bankers, politicians, and media moguls who operate in the shadows and from positions of anonymity and secrecy pull the strings of international diplomacy, finance and foreign policy.

Some rumors claim that this cabal has operated since medieval times and the days of the Knights Templar influencing kings and presidents, prime ministers and powerful politicians of every stripe and that it is still in force today, with an unknown membership made up of heavy hitters and power players from around the globe.

I don't claim to know if there is validity to these theories, if the Illuminati, Bilderbergers or any of the other real and imagined shadow groups hold power over governments or international fiscal dealings or influence in fomenting war, famine and chaos, as some people so vehemently claim.

But I definitely do have a long held and growing conviction that, in one form or another, whether acting in full concert or smaller groups acting independently, there are cadres of highly influential people who, through the power of vast wealth and powerful ties pull the strings of high ranking politicians in this and other nations.

Nothing has brought this home or reinforced this conviction more than what has happened in the Republican Party this election cycle as mega donors, party leaders, media and partisan pundits have burned the midnight oil and pulled out every stop to give the nomination to a candidate who is part of the status quo.

Untold millions of dollars have been spent, as the roster of candidates was whittled down as obvious favorites were defeated one by one and support was shifted to the next most viable candidate until the slate of acceptable choices was exhausted.

The voters could not be persuaded or dissuaded and now that they have spoken loud and clear. The Republicans are left to their petulance and apprehensions and the choice of either completely wasting another election cycle or supporting a candidate they have no hold over; a candidate who owes no allegiance to the status quo and is very likely to rip asunder the long standing power structure that has been more attuned to the party�s own political ambitions than the needs of a disgusted and angry American public.

It would be extremely difficult to convince me that the on again, off again antics of Ross Perot in the 1992 and 1996 elections were not part of a larger plan. I don't believe that Perot was ever intended to win and when his popularity grew to the point that he threatened the candidate of choice, he pulled back, then after the bloom was off the blossom he reentered to pull just enough votes to defeat the opposition.

Did you ever wonder why presidents and congresses of both parties fail to do anything meaningful about our catastrophic illegal immigration problem?

Which is odd, because the American people want this problem solved, but evidently the behind the scenes puppet masters want cheap labor and a dependable voting block, so the farce goes on.

Did you ever wonder why President Obama has used executive privilege to enact legislation that goes against the will of most of the American people?

Did you ever wonder why there is a Federal Reserve Board that isn't federal at all, but is a group of bankers and financial experts who have incredible autonomy? They actually decide interest rates and how loose or tight the flow of currency.

What else of this magnitude has the federal government kept their hands off of and why?

What about the billions of dollars of government projects that are assigned each year that are handled below the water line and hidden from the scrutiny of the public?

Are there coalitions of mega donors, international financial moguls, media and lobbying groups that exert undue influence on our politicians?

I'm not betting against it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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