All About Themselves

“And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

We are all familiar with this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, powerful words that sum up the proper governing philosophy for America in one simple phrase.

I wonder what Mr. Lincoln would think about how his words, and what they mean, are being ignored by the political leaders of today.

It is no longer of the people, by the people or for the people when it comes to Congress, it’s no longer of the people by the people, for the people, it’s all about them.

Makes no difference what the people of this nation want, it’s what a body of power-hungry, self-serving, special interest controlled professional politicians need to stay in office, wasting our tax money on pre-doomed projects like Solyndra, allowing the law of the land to be broken over and over again at the southern border in hopes of building an unbeatable voter base.

We are, even now, going into week three of a government shutdown that has nothing to do with budgets, money or any other rational reason, but a war of egos between the two major political parties.

The truth of the matter is that these egomaniacal, self-important, empty suits (and pants suits) don’t give a tinker’s damn about the suffering that the shutdown is causing the people they are SUPPOSED to be serving, they don’t care if the rent gets paid or the baby gets milk, that doesn’t matter.

All that matters is that they can set down to their full course meals, fly around in taxpayer-funded airplanes, quaff their martini’s, never miss a mortgage payment, and now at the altar where they worship the idols of indifference and betrayal, the unholy sacrificing of the well-being of America so their accursed, clay-footed, soul-destroying political parties can survive.

It’s not politics anymore, it’s a full-fledged religion, the worship of the false gods of power and they will stoop to ANY level to get and maintain it. They have become secular Pharisees, usurping the truth of our founders’ intentions, ignoring or twisting the law to their favor.

Do you think that a body of men and women who condone and subsidize the murder of millions of unborn babies every year, who have actually approved and helped finance border walls for other countries really give a hangnail about whether a wall is built across the southern border of our nation, a wall that they themselves approved of as long as they could claim credit for the idea?

And, in a fight over this, they are willing to shut down the government and let the people suffer, and at the same time show our enemies the soft underbelly of political division in this country.

I’m beginning to believe that politics is a sickness, a contagious disease that burns the morals and humanity out of a person and replaces it with an insatiable hunger for power and an uncontrollable urge to spend other people’s money to get it and obtain it.

And no, although I firmly believe that the kind of wall that is being proposed would be the best answer to our immigration problems, I put just as much blame for intractability and greedy obstinance on the “R”s as I do on the “D”s.

The Republicans had their chance, they held the House before the election and, in true GOP fashion, blew it to high heaven.

I have seen people from my home state of Tennessee, people I had grown to respect on a local level, go on to Washington and become just as tainted and self-serving as the DC perennials, and it only takes a few months.

Of the people, by the people, for the people??


They care nothing at all about the people, and if you could check you would find out that they are totally out of touch and completely out of compassion for life in America, which they have so much to do with, and how their idiotic reticence and childish infighting makes them look like they should be wearing a dunce cap.

Now the byword of the Democrats is “impeach”, knowing that it’s totally hopeless, but if they can just waste enough time and distract the president enough that he can’t get anything accomplished they would have accomplished their goal.

Never mind guilt or innocence, never mind making the nation suffer just to promote your putrid political aspirations, just destroy the opposition and in the process the nation.

Just remember, we reap what we sow.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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