America, The Thriving
We are just finishing up a month-long run across America, East Coast to West Coast and back and, contrary to the dire warnings of Democratic politicians and their lap puppy sycophants in the media, who claim we are on the brink of a recession, conversely, what I saw was America at work, busy retail outlets, highways full of eighteen-wheelers and railroads with frequent, long, loaded freight trains moving raw materials and transporting finished goods to markets where demand is high.
No, I make no claim to being an economist or to having any insight into the dealings of America’s corporations and future fiscal insanities of government, but I know what I saw first-hand and since two and two is still four, water still does not run uphill and if there’s smoke there’s a fire somewhere (cowboy logic) it appears to me that things are popping in the hinterlands.
We stopped in Midland, Texas to let our driver rest and despite the 112º weather the entire region resembled a beehive, oil wells pumping, new ones being drilled, new buildings going up all over the city, the suburbs and outlying areas, and improvised campgrounds everywhere where thousands of new workers without permanent housing park their campers and trailers.
And speaking of housing, there are more housing developments and single home and apartment construction projects going on than you can count.
Hazel and myself had a great chicken fried steak with all the trimmings at a blue-collar Texas eating establishment and during the course of our meal this guy that was about 6’ 5” and at least an ax handle across the shoulders came and sat down at a table across from us.
I said to my wife, Hazel, “I would like to see Bernie Sanders come out here and explain to him why he wants to close all of this down.’
The claims that a recession looms is - at least in my humble opinion - for the most part, politically motivated. The Democrats have tried every trick in the book to get rid of Donald Trump and have miserably failed and brought to light serious infractions of the law and, in the process, poised several sharp axes above quite a few heads on their own side of the aisle, the ramifications of which still remain to be seen.
And since that didn’t work they, with the help of their personal public relations arm - the mainstream media - are trying to scare off Trump voters by insinuating that they would be voting themselves into a recession, and some like Bill Maher are actively hoping for a recession, saying that even if it hurts people, it will be worth it to get rid of Trump.
With regards to a vote for Trump is a vote for recession - again, only my humble opinion - the opposite would be true.
Can you imagine what would happen to the stock market if someone is elected who has vowed to do away with the use of fossil fuel, provide free college, health care for all, reinstate all the restrictions on business, rejoin the international rush for “climate control” a movement that gags on a gnat and swallows a camel, ignoring the worst polluters while penalizing the cleaner nations, exponentially raise taxes and the myriad of giveaway programs that at least one candidate admits would cost sixteen trillion dollars.
Can you envision what would happen to commerce if just the petroleum industry was done away with?
And you could say the same for any major industry in America because it’s not just manufacturing or producing the product that provides jobs, there is an abundance of satellite businesses that are dependent on any large enterprise, and the removal of said enterprise can turn a thriving city into a ghost town in a matter of weeks. Apartment complexes and retail outlets from the mom and pop variety to the big lots and discount chain retailers find themselves without customers almost overnight.
I’ve seen this happen, I’ve seen the sad shells of vacant cities, storefronts boarded up, trash blowing around on empty streets after the major employer in the area has shut down or moved away.
The truth of the matter is that America is thriving and there are reasons for that.
A business-friendly atmosphere and the lifting of commerce crippling restrictions plus reasonable tax structures make for record low unemployment and situations like I saw in Midland, Texas, a town bursting at the seams with prosperity.
I would like to see a town hall meeting of the Democratic presidential candidates be held in a place like Midland and hear the candidates answer questions about the promises they are all making.
I would like to see it explained to these people how doing away with fossil fuel and all the other ridiculous proposals are going to pay back sixteen trillion dollars after America’s manufacturing and energy sectors have been put out of business.
I’ve heard it said that Einstein’s definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I guess socialists just have hard heads.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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