Apostate Nation

“I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

Is this the statement of a rational man, a political leader who is charged with leading his party in the US Senate?

If an ordinary American citizen stood in front of a highly charged partisan crowd on the steps of the Supreme Court building and screamed out these words, they would be charged with threatening, by name, Supreme Court Justices and probably hauled off for questioning by the Secret Service.

Well, Charles Schumer - United States Senator from the state of New York and Senate Minority Leader - did exactly that, making specific threats, along with other inflammatory remarks against Justices of the highest court in the land.

And then, after the entire nation heard the threats, and the heat for his remarks started coming down, he tried to lie his way out of it, claiming that he was talking about Republicans who confirmed the Justices.

No, Mr. Schumer, you can’t wiggle or spin your way out this time, you named names, you literally threatened members of the third branch of government, a branch that has the constitutionally mandated right to operate on its own, not beholden to nor intimidated by members of the other two constitutionally mandated branches.

No, this is not the act of a rational patriot, rather the act of a hate crazed loose cannon who desperately wants to take back control of the Senate in the coming election and is pandering to any pressure group he thinks can help him.

What has happened to politics in America?

When this nation “under God” even seriously considers a communist for president, who wants to tear America to pieces speaks volumes about how far this nation has fallen.

Personally, I think that America is already on shaky ground with our Creator, we have legalized the killing of the unborn and normalized actions and lifestyles that completely go against the will of God and electing a godless communist regime could well have widened the gap.

One good thing that this impeachment process has brought forth, we have seen the character, or lack thereof, of many of our elected officials, their willingness to suppress the truth, intimidate innocent American citizens and make a mockery of the judicial system by obtaining FISA warrants under false pretenses.

Even the FBI, an organization I have admired all my life, fell prey to their treachery as James Comey betrayed the rank and file and sold out for his personal political purposes.

Nor are they above exaggerating, browbeating and downright lying. Adam Schiff must have checked his conscience at the door.

The trail of collateral damage, innocent people who were hoodwinked into committing minuscule offenses and being held accountable for “major” crimes, American citizens who served our military with patriotism and honor, productive members of society hounded into bankruptcy, family members threatened, actually institutional blackmail, while a lady who facilitated the sale of American uranium to Russia and destroyed emails that were under subpoena was never held to account and a former attorney general whose hair-brained “fast and furious” debacle got people killed had his record sealed.

In the meantime, a partisan internal revenue official who withheld tax-exempt status from conservative political organizations took the fifth and hasn’t been heard from since.

Evidently Lady Justice has removed the blindfold from one eye and put her thumb on the scales.

Mr. Schumer, let me finish your quote for you and apply it, not to the Supreme Court, but to the nation.

“For they have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind.” - Hosea 8:7 God’s Holy Word.

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem 

What do you think?

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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