Danger Zone

It is my firm belief that the United States of America entered a Danger Zone several years ago that it is still in and that the American Dream, our individual rights, our Sovereignty, and any real chance of pursuing life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, without interference from an all-consuming central government would become a thing of the past.

It would appear that in the coming months several separate reports will be issued that could expose a coordinated attempt to defraud the federal justice system, threaten the rights of citizens, drive others into bankruptcy by unrelenting pressure, cover up serious federal crimes by high government officials and circumvent the will of the American people by removing a sitting American President by bogus processes.

These things alone threaten the freedom, due process and quality of life of every American, but should they succeed, the ramifications would change America forever.

Let’s take a look.

A FISA warrant is one of the most serious and most secretive documents in our nation’s arsenal in our fight against espionage, terrorism and subversion and involves using federal agencies in spying on an American citizen.

It requires credible information that an American citizen is involved in something that constitutes a serious danger to the nation. It requires heavyweight signatures and has to be signed off on by the FISA Court, the anonym FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and there has to be strong, evidence-backed by a declaration of imminent crimes against the state, such as collusion with foreign powers, planning a terrorist attack or other plots to harm America.

There have been four FISA warrants obtained under shaky and questionable, possibly totally false circumstances.

Hillary put Secret State Department documents on an unsecured server and destroyed documents that were under federal subpoena.

The reason I draw the above dichotomy is to illustrate my point that when you hold all the cards in government, the collusion of the head of the FBI and cooperation of the heads of other powerful government agencies, and the media is in your pocket you can do just about anything you want to.

Hillary was the odds-on favorite to become our 45th president and all her questionable dealings, the quid pro quo at the state department, the shady dealings of the Clinton. foundation, the exposure and destruction of secret government documents would have never seen the light of day.

Let’s take this scenario a little farther, what if, in the future, some unscrupulous, power-hungry person does get elected to the highest office in the land and let’s say that their party wins a significant majority in both the Senate and the House.

And let’s say that that government sets in place a fast track to citizenship for the millions of illegals now in the country and began all the free cradle to grave perks to satisfy the extreme left-wing and thereby creating an unbeatable electorate.

And let’s say they are, over time able to pack the Supreme Court and load the federal bench around the country with radical left-wing judges.

And let’s say that your taxes double, homeschooling is made against the law and one morning you wake up with federal agents knocking on your door with a federal search warrant to locate and confiscate all your firearms,

Well, the first thing you’re going to say is “They can’t do that”

WRONG, these people, once they surround themselves with power can do anything they want, up to and including the stringent measures I listed above.

What I’m saying people is, I truly believe that America came dangerously close to losing control of our government. These people have already shown us the treachery they’re capable of and the distances they are willing to go and the evil they’re willing to use to achieve their goals.

Look at what they’ve done without controlling all three branches of government,

Can you even imagine what they would do if they did?

What do you think?

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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