
To say these last few weeks have been trying, nerve-wracking, confusing and uncertain is the grossest of understatements.

Even watching the president’s daily coronavirus briefings did little to glean enough information to form any solid opinions, the negative and abrasive questions of a totally biased media, the sometimes stilted science-speak of some of the officials and guests left you wondering what they actually said.

The shutting down of America, the uncertainty of when the bans would be lifted and what the workplace would look like when they finally were, the problems of social distancing, wearing masks, observing rigid hygienic practices, how public transportation could be made safe and how close contact could possibly be avoided in a working atmosphere which always required proximity of workers.

All new problems we’ve never faced before and the very thought of how complex adopting these procedures is going to be is mind-boggling.

Some say we never should have closed America, and if China had acted like responsible citizens of planet earth and informed the world of the existence, rabid contagion and potential global pandemic potential of COVID-19, we could have possibly have made moves that could have circumvented it.

But China showed no compassion and no concern for the rest of humankind, allowing infected Chinese citizens to fly all over the world and introduce the disease to an unsuspecting global population, even while banning the people of Wuhan, the epicenter of the plague, from domestic travel.

On top of that, they used the time before disclosure to buy up and hoard essential medical equipment and protective gear, causing severe shortages and exorbitant prices, when - at last - they did release the information that the world was facing a disease with no cure.

The way I see it, there was no way to avoid closing down America. We knew so little about what we were facing and model makers were putting the fatality rates in the millions, just in America, and something had to be done immediately, at least until we knew what we were dealing with.

But now it’s a different story, and it’s time to, in an orderly, cautious way, adopting the safety measures we need, and the lessons we have learned, begin the process of putting our people back to work.

There will be mistakes made, there will be deaths, which an agenda-driven media and hack politicians will try to make political hay from.

There are governors who fancy themselves kings and queens who want to continue the shutdown and enforce ridiculous executive orders, that for all practical purposes, treat the citizens of their states as if they were in prison, forbidding them to even venture outside for a breath of air, using drones and other spy tools to keep tabs.

What are they going to tell their prisoners when the store shelves are totally empty, there is no gasoline, the drug stores are out of medicine and can’t fill prescriptions, because a few more weeks of an idle workforce and the supply lines, including the essentials of life, will begin to dry up.

The system that sustains our economy and very lives is interconnected, codependent and a few segments cannot long exist without the others.

An old saying, 

“For want of a nail, a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe, a horse was lost, for want of a horse, a rider was lost, for want of a rider, a message was lost, for want of a message, a war was lost – all for the want of a nail.”

What do you think?

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem. 

God Bless America 

— Charlie Daniels


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