Election Day – Soapbox Jr.

The upcoming vote was touted as a referendum on the president.

The cases had been made, the public listened to the arguments for both sides, and the big day had finally arrived. The excitement in the air was evident, and voter turnout was expected to be historic. The lines were longer than normal with many voters standing in line for hours to enthusiastically to cast their votes.

Exit polls showed that the president was losing by a 60%-40% margin

After the polls had closed, the votes started coming in and the results were concerning for the incumbent. A landslide appeared to be in the making.

But then in the early morning hours, the voting machines which were counting all the ballots cast inexplicably stopped.


Well, that’s a little unclear, and up for debate.

A whistleblower with military ties came forward and signed a sworn affidavit saying that there was an issue with the Smartmatic voting machines and made allegations of voter fraud and election manipulation.

Smartmatic had received a contract for $150 million to overhaul the election systems.

In the whistleblower’s sworn statement, they said “software and fundamental design of the electronic electoral system and software of Dominion and other election tabulating companies relies upon software that is a descendent of the Smartmatic Electoral Management System.”

The whistleblower continued, “In short, the Smartmatic software is in the DNA of every vote tabulating company’s software and system.”

But back to the night of the election.

Once the voting machines started back up and began counting again, the margins had shifted dramatically.

Eventually, the winner was declared.

Despite the claims of voter fraud, the final tally was 58%-42%, in FAVOR of the president.

In his eyes, crisis averted.

While the story above may sound familiar, the outcome probably wasn’t what you were expecting, that’s because it isn’t the story of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. It is actually the results of a referendum on whether or not to recall Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in 2004.

A statistical study published in 2006 said, “The irregularities detected were observed consistently in numerous voting centers and the magnitude of the irregularities imply that the official results do not reflect the intention of voters with statistical confidence."  

By their calculations, instead of the official number of 41% voting to recall, they estimated that approximately 56.4% had actually voted yes to recall Chavez as president of Venezuela.

The whistleblower had actually been connected to the Venezuelan military, and came forward after the November 3 elections seemed suspicious and oddly familiar similarities to the Chavez recall referendum.

No, I don’t know for sure that this is what happened, but there are now enough whistleblowers signing more affidavits and coming forward to tell what they saw.

They number in the hundreds now.

And the tide could be turning now as a judge has ordered an audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines in Michigan, and ongoing challenges to the different signature standards of mail-in and in-person ballots persist in Georgia. 

And despite the certification of the Georgia results, there are lingering questions and mounting evidence that the Dominion machines were not on the up and up there.

According to Garland Favoritio, a self-described “independent” poll witness who was scheduled to testify in a State Senate hearing in Georgia, 37 votes had been flipped from Trump to Biden in Ware County, Georgia. According to the county’s Elections Supervisor, it was “human error.” 

However, Favorito still maintains that Ware County used Dominion machines to run ballots through the tabulation software in their machines with a 50%-50% Trump/Biden ballot balance, an equal number of votes for each candidate.

What they found was that when the votes were tabulated, 37 of the Trump votes had been switched to Biden, giving him a 26% lead. The algorithm the machine used counted one Trump vote as 87% of a single vote, and a Biden vote counted as 113% of a vote.

There’s an old southern saying, “That dog don’t hunt.” 

Indeed, it doesn’t, unless perhaps the dog is from Venezuela.

President Trump says that big things are happening over the next couple of days. We’ll see if he’s right.

Popcorn still standing by.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police, the peace of Jerusalem and our nation.

God Bless America!


—  Charlie Daniels, Jr.


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