Forget? I Don't Think So
We have just observed the 18th anniversary of September 11, 2001, the day almost three thousand people left home going to work, to catch planes, or whatever else the morning required of them, never to return, many of them reduced to a cup full of ashes or just part of a limb by the kind of evil that can only originate in the depths of hell.
The demonic actions of a handful of Islamic terrorists destroyed two of the world’s most magnificent buildings, decimated a ring of the Pentagon and took down three commercial airliners full of innocent American citizens.
It interrupted life in America as nothing else in our history had, forcing us to take a hard look at the freedoms we took for granted, and realize that there was an enemy in the world that could not be defined within geographical borders, nationality or origin, but a worldwide radical religious movement whose ultimate goal is to destroying Judeo-Christian faiths and all the human beings who believe in them.
We had seen it before, around the world, the relentless efforts of blind hate, murder and destruction, funded by intractable old Mullahs who always stay within the confines of their safe surroundings while sending fanatical young radicals to their deaths by promising them a male-dominated paradise of sensual delights.
But this was America and nobody would dare incur our wrath, we were safe in our cocoon of invincibility and military might, no third world country controlled by Islamist fanatics would be stupid enough to send suicide bombers against the world’s only remaining superpower.
Or so we thought.
It happened and it continues to happen, in America and around the world and until the governments who sponsor this slaughter are held accountable it will continue to happen.
The world knows that Iran is and has been the biggest exporter of terrorism, and yet an American president sent planes loaded with international currency amounting to billions of dollars in an attempt to appease these monsters enough to get them to sign a worthless piece of paper that was supposed to halt their efforts to perfect nuclear weapons.
There is no placating these people, treaties mean nothing to them and infidel human life means even less and they will continue to destroy as many as they can in their attempt to spread a radical brand of Islam where women are treated like slaves, homosexuals are casually tossed off the tops of tall buildings and dissidents are burned in iron cages.
And there are many in America who say we should just forget what happened on 9/11, to treat it as a tragic anomaly, move on, live and let live.
Well, I can only speak for myself but I will never forget the day those towers went down, I will never forget the Boston Bombers and all the rest of the fanatics who strap on suicide vests and walk into crowds of families around the world.
I will never forget that there is a satanically inspired enemy out there that would like nothing better than seeing this nation on its knees.
I will never forget the bravery of the policemen and firemen in New York who ran toward the burning buildings, of Todd Beamer who - rather than seeing a plane brought down on top of thousands more innocent Americans – said, “Let’s roll,” and forced the downing of the plane to happen in a deserted area instead of a densely populated one.
I will never forget.
It just ain’t going to happen.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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