If You Knew Charlie - Soapbox Jr.
I’ve been writing more politically themed soapboxes recently, and as I’ve mentioned, CNSNews, which often picked up dad’s politically-themed soapboxes asked me if I wanted to take on some current events topics, instead of just memories of my dad.
The backlash they have received is hardly unexpected – trolls often attacked dad for his beliefs as well, calling him a racist bigot when saying anything critical about Barack Obama, or supporting President Trump - so I knew I was setting myself up for some attacks, but the most astonishing thing is that rather than just attacking me because of my opinions as they did dad, people have attacked me for using dad’s platforms that he left to put out my personal beliefs - as if I hijacked his social media and website to do a complete 180 and ditching his ideas and values. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Those people obviously did not know my father or did not follow him on his social media until after he passed away, or never read one of the hundreds of politically themed soapboxes where he took on Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and gutless GOP RINOs (Republicans in Name Only).
One person got it, though. He thought I actually held back a little more than dad did, which I can tell you is 100% the truth. I don’t want to sully dad’s name or his legacy, but I still want to "Call 'em as I see 'em."
When was still here to stand up and fight, he could say whatever he wanted, and let it stand. Often, when I was monitoring comments on his social media, I would have to jump in often to put an end to some highly uncivilized threads, but the thing that got an immediate ban or block – and still does is – telling dad to shut up and play his fiddle, or sing, or some variation of that line of thinking. So, if your only comment is that he wasn’t allowed to give his opinion on his own social media, then those would not be allowed either. If people wanted to disagree, great, tell us your opinion on why he – or now I – was wrong.
But many people on the left don’t want to discuss or debate, they just want any opinions other than their own shut down. This has become evident on an even more massive scale as big tech companies have shut down Donald Trump, Mike Lindell and deplatformed social media alternative, Parler, by removing it from both the Apple and Google app stores and then Amazon Web Services purging it from their servers as well.
Kentucky Senator, Rand Paul, who is a Republican who leans more Libertarian, showed more guts than most of the GOP establishment when he refused to be bullied by George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America for refusing to say that Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
He also forced a vote in the Senate on whether it was unconstitutional to try to impeach a private citizen who was no longer a sitting president, which led to a 45-5 result with the majority of Republicans agreeing it was unconstitutional, and shows what a waste of time the latest impeachment attempt really is.
It was one of the bravest things I’ve seen from a Republican in quite a while. If, by some miracle, the GOP ever takes back the Senate, this Senator from Kentucky needs to replace the other one as Majority Leader.
Dad would have said the same thing, but he would have probably said it with a few more adjectives regarding Mitch McConnell. Our styles may differ a bit, but the core message is the same.
My dad stood firm in his beliefs, and I am doing the same in his honor. I’m saying what I believe, and I would not use dad’s memory, legacy or his social media and website platforms to say anything contrary to what he would, if he were still with us
People who didn’t regularly read his soapboxes or his tweets will often reference songs like “Long Haired Country Boy” as who they think dad was. That song was written in 1974, and it’s true that he was less conservative in the 70s than he was from the 80s onward, but wisdom comes with age.
My dad was the finest man I’ve known, and I consider it an honor to be able to carry on his ideas and message to his fans and even to those who just need to hear an honest opinion that falls outside the narrative that is carried by the mainstream media and political establishment types.
If you really knew my dad and what he stood for, you would have no problem understanding where I’m coming from.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police, the peace of Jerusalem, and most definitely for our nation.
God Bless America!
— Charlie Daniels, Jr.
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