New Hope, New Life

There is no doubt that Easter will be celebrated in a way that will be so foreign to Christians this year as we shelter in place, practice proper social distancing, wash the first layer of skin off our hands, wipe down, clean up and do our individual bits to rid our beloved country of this plague that has besieged not only our nation, but Planet Earth at large.
We will have to forego the large family dinners and the familial comraderies that is such an important part of our special holidays.
Churches are traditionally very well attended on this day with sunrise services and specially planned music and people who only attend church once or twice a year making the pilgrimage.
And this year the buildings will be empty, with services, for the most part, being broadcast on television and the internet.
There is a great sadness across our land with the truly alarming mortality rates and the media doing their level best to keep everybody terrified 24 hours a day and people being sick without even the comfort of having family members close.
We all know that, all you have to do is pick up a newspaper, turn on a TV or radio and you’re inundated with the macabre, the alarming, the gloom and doom, the seeming hopelessness.
The fact is folks, we need Easter, we have never needed it more, because Easter represents a new beginning, a new assurance that no matter what, we never have to face a world gone mad alone and things are not hopeless at all.
Even if it does mean worshiping along with a picture on TV, if it means providing our own communion elements to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even if we are not familiar with the songs they sing or the minister who delivers the message, the important thing is that we are memorializing the event that sets Christianity apart from every other faith.
The proven fact that Jesus Christ, after being crucified and having a spear driven into his side to make sure he was dead, was laid in a tomb and on the morning of the third day He rose from the dead and after a period of walking among men, ascended to Heaven after promising that He would come back to this earth and take His believers to a place of indescribable joy.
Easter is a day when - to use a street term - all the stops should be pulled out and Christianity sings, prays and worships in high gear.
Yes, this Easter will be different, and the most significant event in history will have to be observed without crowds of the like-minded, the special hymns we have come to love and the message will be spoken from a television screen instead of the pulpit.
So, this Sunday, we will watch our church service on the internet, and with some grape juice and a bit of bread join our pastor as he conducts the communion ceremony and join the rest of our brothers and sisters who are watching, and praying for our nation, and together asking God to send an answer to deliver us from this plague.
We won’t be able to see the other believers, but they’ll be there, along with millions of others, watching other telecasts and remembering that the only begotten Son of God spent six hours nailed to a cross in a kind of pain we cannot even imagine, to pay the awful price for our salvation.
But the truth of the matter is that the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ is not a building, it is the body of believers around the world who have accepted the free gift of eternal life by declaring their faith in this Risen Savior.
Who, as the Bible says, “Confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead.”
And so, this weekend, the Church, though scattered, will celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, in our hearts, where He lives.
The Way, the Truth and the Life, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
We will take joy in the fact that
May you have a joyous Easter, secure in the Truth that God has not forgotten us.
It’s all about Love.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America 
Charlie Daniels
P.S. I don’t have the words to express the admiration and gratitude for the doctors, nurses, medical maintenance crews, firemen, police, truckers, farmers, shelf stockers, grocery clerks, checkout people and all those on the front lines who put themselves in harm’s way to keep America cared for and fed.
May God bless, protect and keep you, each and every one. - CD


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