No News - Good News?
I just perused the headlines at a major online news source and if that was all the information I could obtain, I would have an extremely depressing day.
I’ll admit there is enough bad stuff to dominate the front page or lead story of any news organization right now, but what really irritates me is the total omission of, or relegating to boilerplate status, anything uplifting or hopeful.
Even the positive information that does make it to publication or broadcast has a big “but,” like “but a study conducted by Dr. "so and so" at the "such and such" medical center warns that the drug could have some residual negative after effects and although doctor “so and so’s” opinion has not been backed by extensive research, blah, blah blah...
Or, “Anonymous sources tell us…”
This pandemic has literally changed my TV watching habits.
We turn the set on for the news portions of the 700 Club, a source I trust for journalistic honesty, we watch the president’s coronavirus report every afternoon, Brett Baier is a straight shooter and I trust his reporting, a little Tucker Carlson, a little Sean Hannity and that does it.
If World War III was being fought and it was only broadcast on CNN, I wouldn’t even know about it, I caught them broadcasting fake news as far back as the first Gulf War.
I can’t handle the network evening news anymore, their bias, their political agenda and their hate for the president colors everything they report, even including the current pandemic and it is so evident that, no matter what happens they try to find a way to point a finger of veiled accusation at Donald Trump.
They are very careful to never give him credit for any of his accomplishments, and even when they do make a concession and have to admit that something Trump did was good for the country, they always bring in somebody like Charles “The Undertaker” Schumer to tell America that what they have just reported is not good at all and that it will have catastrophic ramifications.
*NOTE* The reason I call Schumer “The Undertaker” is that, when he stands at a podium with his spectacles at half-mast, his droll voice, his unhappy countenance, if you turn the volume down, it’s easy to imagine that he is saying that everybody in America has leprosy.
I’ve never been much of a newspaper person, even back in the day before TV, and radio coverage was sketchy at best and newspapers were the prime source of local, national and international news.
But it seems now that, “All the news that’s fit to print.” has changed to “All the news that fits our agenda.” and the once-respected newspaper is best used to line the bottom of bird cages.
I have, however, found an online newspaper that reports the news, extensively, fairly, truthfully and pro-American, and I do scan it every day and find information never mentioned by the mainstream.
If there was any compassion left in the White House Press Corps, since such stories fall into their bailiwick, somebody would take the Democratic Party to task for exposing Joe Biden to the rigors of running for president.
He is obviously not up to it.
He has problems maintaining his train of thought, seems totally befuddled by simple questions and some of his responses are incoherent and way off target.
And the worst is yet to come.
Can you imagine what Joe Biden will do when exposed to the acerbic wit of Donald Trump?
But I suppose that reporting anything negative about a Democratic presidential candidate would be frowned on by the establishment, even if it was meant to be compassionate and constructive.
The odd thing is that even with the rigid curtailing of my television viewing, I still stay up to date with the limited time I do devote to it, which tells me that actually what the media is doing is repeating the same stories over and over, different anchorpersons and personalities, but the same information.
When your face is rubbed in bad news several hours a day it can get to be depressing and hang a pall over your entire day.
Want to see a change in your attitude?
Turn off the news, try binge-watching Andy Griffith or Gunsmoke, enjoy your food and drink, try reinstituting the ancient art of conversation and start being confident in the fact that, with God’s help, this too shall pass.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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