One-Trick Pony

I can understand political parties thinking they have all the answers while the other parties are lame and doing their best to raise money, choose good candidates and campaign hard drawing comparisons and pointing out differences to point out why their platforms and their candidates are much superior to their opponents.

But their ultimate goal is supposed to be what is best for the country, not what benefits political parties or furthers the goals of some philosophy or idealistic notion of what the progressives think the nation should be.

The battle should be fought in the arena of ideas, the expose of bare facts and the choice should be made by the citizen voters, not by a legislative body who removes it from the hands of the people and usurps the power vested only in the casting of “one person one vote” electoral system mandated by our Republic.

To say that the Democrats fevered obsession with removing a duly-elected president is a totally partisan endeavor is proven by the 100% - minus two - Democrat votes in the House, in fact, Democrats joined the entire Republican side of the house in voting against impeachment.

The truth of the matter is that the Democrats are totally out of options when it comes to regaining the White House in 2020 because they know that Trump has kept his promises.

The economy is smoking, unemployment for all Americans is at historic lows, the Obama depleted military has been revitalized and Trump has been the only president since the emergence of China as an economic force to stand toe-to-toe with them to demand fair trade policies.

The one-sided NAFTA treaty has been revamped, and although Nancy Pelosi tries to claim credit, anybody with enough gray matter to pop the top on a soda can knows that Obama had eight years to do something about it and the Democrats never lifted a finger to pursue the same negotiations that Trump was able to achieve.

Wages have gone up, taxes have gone down. 

In spite of dire warnings from a politically sold-out media, America just had its biggest retail Christmas shopping season in history and violent gang members are being rounded up and deported.

Hope has been given to terminal medical patients by allowing them to receive drugs that are still in experimental stages and lives are being saved.

Obama told us that our best days were behind us, to get used to the “new normal” of high unemployment.

I guess he must have meant that the “new normal” is the best the Democrats can do because Trump just blasted Obama’s theory into oblivion.

So, it would seem that, in the debate for the White House, the Democrats have only one hope to impeach Trump and that’s going to be a pretty thin piece of ice to be walking on November 6, 2020.

Let’s look at the score so far,

Russian collusion: Trump W - Democrats L
Obstruction of Justice: Trump W – Democrats L
Steele Dossier - Proven lies, innuendo, fantasy: Trump-W-Democrats-L
Mueller Report - Wet Blanket: Trump W – Democrats L

Don’t know what this cost the taxpayers but you can bet somebody will bring it up during the campaigns, and from what I’m hearing the end is not in sight, they just plan to keep on trying to impeach?

So, the Democrats have become a one-trick pony.

Never mind the needs of the nation, the deplorable conditions of the streets in LA and San Francisco, never mind the murder rate in Chicago or Baltimore or the unending influx of illegals pouring across our Southern borders.

Never mind that America has the best economy that we’ve had in decades.

Never mind that the socialist government they want to bring to power has been the downfall of every country where it’s been adopted and has been responsible for more deaths than the Black Plague.

No, nothing matters except getting rid of a very successful president they hate.

Well, Nancy, Chuck, Adam, Jerry and all the rest of you power greedy political shysters, when you stomp around in the swamp, there ain’t no telling what kind of dangerous swamp critters you’ll stir up and the slime splashes both ways.

And somewhere down the line one of them is going to catch up with you.

Ever heard the name Durham or Barr?

What do you think? 

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem. 

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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