Promises, Promises

As the rolls of those who are seeking the Democratic nomination for president continue to swell, it would seem that most of those who have thrown their hat in the ring have come to the conclusion that the candidate who promises the most free goods and entitlements will be the one to win and to win at all costs, the security, economy and welfare of the United States of America be damned.

For instance, Elizabeth Warren proposes to forgive 95% of college loan debt, which at present stands at over one and a half trillion dollars, and exceeds the total American credit card debt by over five hundred billion dollars.

She proposes to pay for the debt forgiveness by a two percent tax on wealthier Americans, which sounds like a good idea to most people, until you ask yourself who these “wealthier Americans” are and what their income level is and realize that a two percent tax on only the very wealthy would probably not even pay the interest on what Ms. Warren wants to do.

So, what happens then?

Well the liberal line is toed and the criteria for tax increases has dropped another notch, down another income level and when that doesn’t meet the demand, another notch until it reaches the majority of the working people.

Having “wealthier Americans” bear the brunt of social programs like Ms. Warren wants to institute is a myth, the numbers simply don’t add up and when you stop and realize that the college loan debt forgiveness is only the tip of Ms. Warren’s massive giveaway program, and start adding it up, the free health care, the subsidized college education plus a twenty-two trillion national debt, there is only one conclusion to come to.

National bankruptcy, exponential inflation, the total collapse of the American dollar, and as the “Borrow from Peter to pay Paul” liberal mentality takes hold, our national security would be in dire jeopardy, because it’s a well-known fact that liberals don’t have much use for the military and would cut our defense budget to the bone to pay for their ever-increasing social programs.

And all this time taxes keep going up.

If you want to see a microcosm of America under the ultraliberal rule of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and the lion’s share of the Democratic presidential candidates, take a look at California and New York.

The tax burden in both states is cruel and people are leaving in droves headed for the states with no state income tax and the overall tax burden is much lighter and those states are experiencing unprecedented and economic prosperity.

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio unknowingly made the case for lower taxes when he said that they had taxed the rich and the rich were now leaving NYC.

And of course the answer in these Democrat-controlled state is always to raise the taxes on the ones who are left, the tolls, the license fees, anything to increase revenue, which conversely, decreases the population as another stratum of society finds it impossible to have any quality of life and moves to Texas, Tennessee, Florida or some other booming state where jobs are plentiful and you get to keep more of the money you make.

Now imagine the entire country being governed by the same fiscal philosophy as the aforementioned states, the difference being that there’s no place left to go, no safe haven no lower tax states as federal taxes and regulations devour the fabric of society, companies begin a mass exodus out of the nation, the entitlement rolls expand, the workers who pay the taxes to support them retract, inflation is rampant and the price of even the essentials of life rises to unacceptable levels as the dollar shrinks and is no longer the standard currency in international trade, requiring the U.S. to buy currency from a more stable country to purchase imports.

There is an eternal truth that needs to dawn on Washington and the younger generations who have been deprived of being educated about the pitfalls of socialism.

That is, nothing but the Grace of God is free, everything else is paid for by somebody and the money used to pay off college debt and provide free college, free medical care and all the other pie in the sky social services comes out of some Americans pocket.

And that pocket eventually gets empty or gets the heck out of Dodge and Margaret Thatcher’s famous line about socialism being great until you run out of other people’s money comes into play.

The Democratic Party has evidently decided to pull out all the stops this trip and go the softball route by not allowing Fox News to host a debate, evidently afraid that there would be serious questions asked, questions the American people have a right to hear the answers to, hoping that the voters will buy a pig in a poke, a one-eyed jack, never seeing the other side of its face.

And there are some very profound questions that need to be answered by the Democrats this time around, questions that the fawning sycophants in the mainstream media will in all likelihood never ask, or at least never push to a definitive answer.

What is your conviction about killing a baby that has been delivered or is living in the birth canal?

What do you intend to do about the flow of illegals across our southern border?

Do you defend sanctuary cities and do you consider them to be illegal?

Do you believe that people incarcerated in prisons have a right to vote?

Do you view our 22 trillion-dollar debt a threat to the nation and if so what do you intend to do about it?

To what degree do you support the United States Military and what priority would you place on financing it to keep it the best equipped in the world?

Would you keep the sanctions and everything else at our disposal on Iran to stop their nuclear program?

What is your attitude toward Israel and to what degree would you go to protect their sovereignty?

How do you stand on the Green New Deal?

to what degree would you protect religion and its institutions?

Do you believe in American exceptionalism?

What do you think?

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

— Charlie Daniels


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