The Best and the Worst
What America has been going through the past few weeks has brought out the best, and the worst in our beleaguered nation.
The dedication and determination of the medical profession has been above and beyond as doctors, nurses, EMT personnel, and the maintenance staffs at the medical facilities daily walk into the belly of the beast, constantly in danger and living under forced diligence of self-preservation where a faulty face mask, forgotten eyewear or any slip up in stringent sanitary protocol could result in contracting a deadly disease.
The inhuman hours, the life and death decisions, constant exposure and seeing so much misery day in and day out, takes an inner strength and compassion for human suffering very few of us possess, and every American should be thankful to God for these special people.
The police and fire departments who are exposed to their own kind of danger on top of dealing with people who could well be infected, EMT crews whose jobs require a hands-on approach and the fastidious attention to self and equipment to avoid contracting not just coronavirus, but who knows what they’ll be facing on any given call.
The truckers who keep the grocery store shelves stocked, the gasoline flowing and the medicine druggists need to fill prescriptions supplied.
The farmers and processors who make sure the nation is fed.
These dedicated people demonstrate the best of America, the kind of people who helped to build and maintain the greatest nation the world has ever known.
Then there’s the other people, the scammers who victimize the most vulnerable and helpless among us, the gougers who get their hands on scarce and vital products and jack the price up to ten times its worth, the hoarders who buy much more than they need with no thought or concern about who they are depriving.
Then there are the politicians who try to gain political advantages by playing the blame game, who lack the honesty to admit their own faults.
Nobody personifies the worst in America more than Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff who are, even now in the middle of a situation that threatens America’s health and economy and it affects every man, woman and child in the nation, are making plans to hold a hearing of President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The words I would need to express the contempt I have for them are not in my vocabulary.
Yes, the same Nancy who encouraged San Franciscans to “Visit Chinatown, we think it’s very safe in Chinatown,” as the Coronavirus was beginning to take hold and people rightfully feared going to Chinatown or other areas for fear of contracting it.
And the same lying, leaking, sniveling reprobate, Adam Schiff, who told the American people that there was proof of collusion against Trump, started an investigation into a phone call the president had with the president of Ukraine, only to make an even bigger fool of himself when the unexpected happened and the president released the transcript of the letter.
I liken Pelosi, Schiff and all the rest of the Democrats who support this madness to deserters who walk away from the life and death battle the country is fighting and pursue their own sordid purposes.
At a time when America desperately needs “all hands on deck,” the Democrats have chosen to take another shot at tearing the nation apart, and the sad thing is. They know it’s just another fruitless witch hunt.
Thank God we had a man in office who immediately stopped flights from China and other heavily infected parts of the world, got together an aid package for the workers, which - by the way - the Democrats tried to load down with frivolous giveaways, holding up checks to America’s workers by weeks.
Have you seen the homeless enclaves in both Northern and Southern California where the city streets are littered with used hypodermic needles, garbage, human feces, rats and disease?
Well, Pelosi and Schiff each have one in their respective constituencies.
Why not an investigation of why they have done absolutely nothing about cleaning up these potential hot zones? Already there are cases of the virus showing up in these festering garbage heaps.
Gag on a gnat, swallow a camel.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
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