The Dream

I know it’s only a dream, and perhaps you’ll say an impossible one, but being an incurable optimist, I believe with the right leadership it could happen.
The scene is the chamber of the House of Representatives, the occasion, a specially called joint meeting of both houses, at the podium, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House - Obviously not the two currently in office.
The Speaker steps to the microphone, “Ladies and gentlemen of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States of America. The Majority leader and I know that you are anxious to find out why this joint meeting was called and why all the secrecy surrounding its purpose.”
The reason will be revealed shortly, and the need for the secrecy is that we knew if we divulged it to the two houses, there are several of you who could not resist the temptation to leak, which would destroy at least part of the purpose of the subjects that will be taken up in this meeting, so it has been a closely held secret between the Majority leader, myself and only the most trusted members of our staffs.”
You will now hear a proclamation that has been written, agreed upon and signed by both of us. The Majority leader will now read it to the joint gathering of both chambers.
Majority Leader: Thank you, Speaker.
We, the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, have come together on this day and in this place to voluntarily renew our vows, as it were, our oaths of office, our oaths of fealty and loyalty to the Constitution and the voters of this great nation who sent us here to conduct the business necessary to insure our prosperity and security and to preserve the union.
The reason for the secrecy is that we didn’t want any of the agenda to be disseminated or discussed in private, it must all be done 100% in the full view of all Americans, and that’s the purpose for all the extra television cameras in the room.
The Speaker and I will call our members by the state delegations at which time they will come to the front of the House and, laying their hands on the Holy Bible, renew their oaths of office in the presence of Almighty God, both chambers of Congress and the citizens of the United States of America.
This is not compulsory, any member who does not wish to participate will stand and state their names when their state is called, and that way the people back home will know which members refused to renew their oaths.
Before you come forward to take the oath of office again, the Speaker and I thought it would be a good idea to take the oath, line by line and make sure you understand beyond a shadow of a doubt what you are swearing to before Almighty God and the people you represent.
And so, we have asked a renowned Constitutional scholar and expert in the English language to step forth and explain, line by line what you are committing to.
We have also asked a layman, a working man with only a high school education to explain it from an ordinary citizen's point of view.
Professor Smith: Mr. Jones, please come forward.
Oath of Office:
“I do solemnly swear, or affirm.”
Professor Smith: I hereby commit my heart, my soul, my reputation and my conscience and my sacred vow.
Mr. Jones: It means that if you don’t do what you say, you are breaking your word to Almighty God and the people that pay your salary and stand guilty before both and are responsible for the consequences. 
“That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States”
Professor Smith: That I will abide by and stand by the Constitution and accept it as the founders constructed it, realizing that it is not a living document, but a settled one that cannot be amended or altered except by a vote of two-thirds of the states.
Mr. Jones: It means that you can’t just take off on a tangent make up your own laws and violate people’s rights and it means you’ve got to protect it just the way it is, whether you like it or not and honor the Second Amendment no matter how anti-gun you are.
“against all enemies, foreign and domestic;”
Professor Smith: You will engage in whatever tactic is required to repel foreign intervention into the rights guaranteed in the Constitution, up to and including armed conflict if necessary and that you will stand against any person, group or party, including your own, who wants to violate its provisions.
Mr. Jones: It means that if our enemies want to take away our freedom or our rights you’ll send the military if you have to and destroy them.
And that if anybody in this country tries to take our freedom, including the right to keep and bear arms, you’ll go against them with everything you’ve got.
“that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;”
Professor Smith: That I pledge my heart, my soul and every fiber of my being loyal to this cause.
Mr. Jones: It means that you won’t tell us one thing when your campaign and then backslide when you get into office, it means you’ll stick by your word no matter what the odds are.
“that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion;” 
Professor Smith: That of my own free will, without coercion or alternative purposes fostered by outside interests or personal gain.
Mr. Jones: It means that no big campaign donor or big corporations have got you in their pocket and you are doing this to serve the people, not the profits.
“and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter:” 
Professor Smith: That to the best of my ability, with all my energy, all my ability and my best judgment will be the best that I can be.
Mr. Jones: It means that when you know something is wrong you’ll fight tooth and nail to defeat and do the same to support something you know to be right, no matter what it does to your political career, that’s what faithfully discharging means.
“So help me God.” 
Professor Smith: It’s self-explanatory.
Mr. Jones: It means that if you don’t mean what you say, you’re lying to God and the people and you have no business here anyhow.
“Thank You, Professor Smith and Mr. Jones, we will now proceed in Alphabetical order.
Would the House and Senate delegation from the great state of Alabama please step forward to have their oath of office administered?”
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem. 
God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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