The Frivolous Foibles of Those Who Consider Themselves Wiser Than Us
This week, the United States Congress will embark on a path that, though many are making predictions, nobody knows for sure where it will lead them and, unfortunately, the nation.
In my 83 years, I have never seen the “United” States of America as divided as it is today on many issues, but none as galvanizing and emotional as present-day politics and the politicians themselves seem intent on fanning the flames, resorting to rabble-rousing, questionable accusation, hyperbole and downright lies, anything to give them the upper hand and a catchy soundbite phrase.
The 116th Congress will be remembered and recorded in history as the one who threw the welfare of America, the American people and the American electoral process into the winds of their avarice, their perverted quest for power and the unholy hatred they hold in their hearts for a president who had the nerve to break the bloodline, to usurp the throne, to interrupt the succession, to stanch the flow of their beloved socialism slash globalism that determines their every action.
This president made either an incompetent fool or an abject liar out of their hero, his predecessor, who told us mediocrity was the “new norm” that the jobs that had left the country were gone forever, and had the audacity to defeat their hand-picked successor and actually started keeping his campaign promises, something their party had never taken as an obligation.
The new prosperity he brought reached not only into the board rooms and Fortune 500 enclaves but into the back streets of the inner city to the forgotten people who the democrats had been promising progress to for decades, only to once again turn their backs on them after the polls closed.
This new and vibrant economy touches women and minorities of every stripe, demographics that had always voted for their party and this was just too much for the pseudo prostitutes on the Hill, who sell their honor, their integrity and the future of this very nation, hanging on to their accursed power by their fingernails, knowing they couldn’t leave something so important as America’s march into socialist oblivion in the hands of the American voters.
One of their number even said if they were concerned that if they didn’t impeach Donald Trump he would be re-elected.
And so, to their everlasting and greedy shame they listened to their baser instincts and by hook, crook, coercion and threat pulled the votes together to back the weakest and only totally partisan impeachment vote in American history.
In so doing they have taken the most stringent and solemn constitutional countermeasure and knowingly debased it to the point of something to be used to harass a president, not remove one.
This Pandora’s box that these hypocrites have opened will not pass into history as an anomaly, but will be up for consideration every time an opposing majority party in the House wants to weaken a president.
Names like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and all the other ringleaders will be remembered as those who cared so little for America and so much for their own power lust that they reduced the price of America’s most closely guarded political remedy, requiring high crimes and misdemeanors, to a big box store fire sale price requiring only personal hate and ambition.
As this period of history is viewed in retrospect, the asterisks of shame and infamy will attach themselves to these and other names as the collateral damage of their sordid efforts become apparent, the innocent who were jailed, the good men who were threatened and ruined, the
greed and carelessness with which they handled the responsibly that their oath of office required of them.
And another sad casualty, these self-righteous hacks, who were sent to office to serve the people who voted them in have conveniently forgotten the folks at home. It only takes punching a few computer keys to see the conditions of filth, squalor and rat-infested homeless tent cities on the streets of California where feces and used hypodermic needles cover the streets.
And New York?
Are there really no problems in New York for Schumer and Nadler to deal with?
I don’t know where this is going, I suppose the president will be acquitted by the Senate, but I have learned not to trust the body politic regardless of which side of the aisle they sit on.
People, if the current condition of WASHINGTON, DC does not demonstrate the urgent need for term limits, I honestly don’t know what it will take for us to realize that any positive change in American politics means busting up the long-established power bases, getting rid of the cast of characters in both parties who have dominated Capitol Hill for the last thirty years.
Has anybody put a pencil to the cost these cynics have run up trying to refute the 2016 election?
Bet it would be enough to clean up the streets of LA and San Francisco and provide a lot of housing for the homeless there.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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