The Fruits of Greed and Pretension

John Steinbeck’s classic novel, “The Grapes of Wrath,” depicts the plight of a people who were deceived and exploited, used to create an atmosphere favoring the rich and powerful and a credible analogy can be drawn between those times and a situation that exists today.

In the early 1930s, the continuous windstorms in Oklahoma blew away the topsoil on what had once been arable, productive land and they became barren fields unfit for farming, creating a massive exodus of people to California, where the fruit growers had put out the word that there was plentiful work for good wages.

Actually, there was ample work but the caravans of jalopies loaded with people and possessions headed for “the promised land” had the desired effect and exponentially inflated the labor force reducing the wages the growers had to pay to have their fruit harvested to pennies, making the fruit growers richer, but reducing families of migrants to existing any way they could, living hand to mouth, constantly on the edge of starvation.

It was a deplorable situation, a true example of greed, of choosing exceptional profit over the welfare of mankind, an intentional flooding of the labor market that forced desperate people to work for a pittance, and if they weren’t willing to work for what the growers offered there were plenty of destitute people who were.

Does anybody think that Gavin Newsome is declaring California a sanctuary state out of the compassion in his heart for migrants, the same heart that doesn’t give a second thought to the murder of thousands of unborn babies in his state every year?

Look into the eyes of Chuck Schumer, do you see the kind of compassion that says, “I support open borders because I have a deep love for my fellow man and want them to have a chance at the American dream?”

Do Nancy Pelosi’s disjointed diatribes really reflect a heart overflowing with pity and empathy for the people who brave death, rape and being sold into the nightmare of human trafficking to 
get into America?

Gavin Newsome, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, as we used to say down home, have “got theirs,” their financial future is secure and as far as the rest of us are concerned it’s “root hog or die”, even if your boss walks up one day and says, “I’m really sorry, I know you’ve been with us for twenty years, but we’ve found workers who are willing to do your job for half of what we’re paying you, so long.”

People, please stop and seriously think about this, all Pelosi, Schumer, Newsome et al. are interested in is an unbeatable democrat voter base and giving their major contributors and influential supporters who run major businesses an inflated labor pool to keep the costs low and the profits high.

I ask you, what is the difference in these people and the greedy California fruit growers of the thirties who attracted thousands more workers than they could possibly employ, just so they could profit, causing human suffering on a grand scale.

Well, they’re all dead and gone now, and what good did it do them?

The Democratic leaders, state and federal feign compassion and charity, but these people are one-eyed jacks and if you could see the hidden side of their faces you would see much fewer noble purposes, selfish reasons, the lust for power, control over the lives of other people and he the accursed dark political ambitions that haunt the professional politician.

While the old guard and their compatriots try to force their intentions on America, the party they champion is in the process of dumping the likes of Pelosi and Schumer as the young guns of socialism have become the new media darlings, getting most of the favorable sound bites and interviews, a situation of their own making, that is rapidly slipping out of their control as the progressive wing of the party all try to out-promise each other.

So - though it will take a while - the old guard’s days are numbered and if - God forbid - the situation they are trying to create ever happens, it will benefit the “new” Democrats, not the undertaker types like Chuck Schumer or the Flub-A-Dub personalities of the Nancy Pelosis but the new fresh-faced radicals who will promise the moon and deliver misery.

Either way, the faces may change but the political ends don’t.

Buckle up patriots, it’s going to be a rough ride.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


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