The Next Four Years - Soapbox Jr.
After reading comments over the last several months, I have decided that I need to start my political soapboxes with a disclaimer for people that obviously didn’t follow dad’s social media until after his passing, I'll have a new one about him soon, for those sick of politics.
NOTE: Charlie Jr.’s soapboxes are an extension of his dad’s personal and political ideals which they both shared. CD, Jr. would never use his dad’s name to put forth something contrary to his father’s values. – TeamCDB
Now that’s out of the way, on with the show.
I did not watch any of the inauguration, and I had no desire to.
This week, I made some observations to some friends about the election and our new president and VP. Some of it was tongue in cheek, some of it was heartfelt.
One person told me I was being un-Christian and un-patriotic, and one person went on to tell me how great things were going to be for the Daniels family and America as a whole under the new administration, but she got mad when I accidentally mispronounced the name of our new VP, who was formerly the most liberal member of the Senate - based on her voting record - “Commie-la.”
Okay, I admit it… that wasn’t accidental.
But I was playing off the total lack of respect that Trump was given by a large number of Democrats, liberal talking heads and celebrities, and the Resist and the "Not My President" mantra of the last 4 years.
So, me saying that Joe Biden is not my president, and poking fun at his veep, who was so popular in the primaries, that she dropped out almost a full year before the election is mean, un-Christian and un-patriotic... I'm sorry, my bad.
I guess I'll just have to choose the path of acceptable things to say about presidents and paraphrase quotes by media talking heads, elected officials and celebrities (even if I have to use that last term loosely in some cases.)
So, F$%& Biden! I'd like to punch him in the face! – ala Robert De Niro
Impeach the mother$%&er! – ala Rep. Rashida Tliab
I've thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. – ala Madonna
When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? – ala Johnny Depp
And of course, it must be perfectly acceptable to pose for photos with a severed head of Joe Biden covered in blood, ala Kathy Griffin. Of course, she claims it ruined her career, but come on Kathy... Really...?
These are the rules that the left has established, so it must be okay.
It must even be okay to stage a production of Julius Caesar - paid for, in part, by federal funds no less - and cast a Biden look-alike as Caesar, although if you really wanted to be accurate, he wouldn't be able to remember his lines.
That sounds mean, but we are talking about the leader of the free world here (at least free for now) and thanks to the mainstream media and censorship by big tech companies, we've got someone who isn't all there in the Oval Office.
But basically, I plan on giving Joe Biden, as short as his administration will be, as much respect as those who opposed Donald Trump, well, actually much more.
So I may jokingly use the #Resist hashtag, and I may say that he and she are "Not My President," but I draw the line at crying, screaming at the sky and wearing a knit hat on my head in the shape of genitalia.
I’ve got my standards.
The only reason I didn’t support calling to impeach Biden on day one like they did with Donald Trump - Actually, Maxine Waters was screaming "Impeach 45" before Trump's inauguration - is that a successful impeachment would bring us President Harris even sooner.
For the record, I do not hate Joe Biden, I do not hate Kamala Harris. I do, however, think that they are bad for America and that their liberal/progressive policies - if fully implemented - will weaken our economy and our nation as a whole before she leaves office.
I'm reminded of the words of Rush Limbaugh. Back in 2008, a magazine asked him for 400 words on his hopes for the Obama Administration. He was relaying that on the air, and he spoke about how much he loved this country, and how concerned he was for it in light of Obama's victory, and he said how he told the magazine that he didn't need 400 words, he only needed 4.
"I hope he fails."
This got twisted into "Limbaugh hopes America fails," which is the antithesis of what he was saying. He was saying he hoped that Obama failed at implementing all of his left-wing policies, which would be damaging to America.
So, my hopes are the same for the Biden and Harris Administration, which will almost assuredly be longer than Biden's...
I hope THEY fail, for America’s sake, but I doubt that much of it will fall on Joe.
All the talk about the 25th amendment will be finally be realized inside of the first year of the Biden administration, and likely much sooner. Those of us that have not had their heads up the mainstream media's "nether regions" know that Joe is not capable of coherent thoughts on a consistent basis, but the world will see it soon enough.
In fact, it’s starting already.
Politico - hardly a conservative news outlet - ran a story about Joe reaming out one of his staff for putting something in a speech that he said he would never say. The problem was, he DID say it about two weeks before in a previous speech. The link is right HERE, check it out yourself.
Democrats, the media and big tech have been hiding Biden's cognitive decline, along with any other scandals involving Joe's son, Hunter, and there is apparently much much more on the laptop than what we are being told... Remember, the media told us it was "classic Russian disinformation," only for the DOJ to report - after the election - that Hunter was under federal investigation, and Media Research Center conducted a poll that had voters been told about the scandals, Harris’s extremely left-wing views, along with the allegations of sexual assault by Tara Reade, that a significant number of voters would not have voted for him.
But that is behind us now, the worst is yet to come.
In fact, in his first day in office, he managed to kill 11,000 jobs – and potentially 70,000 when you count related jobs, almost 2 billion dollars in wages and tick off our neighbors in the Great White North when he killed the Keystone XL pipeline, all in ONE Executive Order. That’s quite an accomplishment.
But he wasn’t finished…
My heart goes out to young girls who want to compete in athletics and their parents because the transgender Executive Order he signed potentially opens the door for more biological males to compete as females. Yes, I know that they are supposed to test their testosterone and all that, but even if their testosterone is low, they are still male, and still – for the most part - have an unfair advantage. It’s already happening, but now the floodgate will open wide.
And hours after signing an Executive Order mandating that masks be worn on federal lands at all times, he and his family were photographed in the Lincoln Memorial sans masks and NOT socially distanced.
New White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about the maskless photo, and her excuse was that the president was “celebrating.” So, that means that we can all go hang out in the National Mall maskless, as long as we’re “celebrating.” Try that and see how it works out for the average Joe, no pun intended.
“Do as we say, not as we do” should replace “E Pluribus Unum” as the new motto of the United States.
I have no doubt that the next four years are going to be challenging for those of us who believe in the rule of law, freedom of speech, and who support the 2nd amendment, but we are a resilient people, and when the new administration(s) overreach, as they are sure to do, I pray that more eyes will be opened to the radicals that are running our government and that voters turn out in large enough numbers to combat the inevitable fraud that will no doubt be ever-present until the American people have finally had enough.
But it looks like I’m not the only one who isn’t a fan of Joe Biden. In fact, there have been riots for the past several days in Seattle and Portland, saying they don’t want Biden.
Rabid Trump supporters, no doubt, still fuming over the stolen election.
Actually - NOT surprisingly - it’s Antifa again…
It may surprise people who voted for Biden, but what did you expect? That they would all be happy little campers and celebrating now that Joe and Kamala were in charge?
They rioted under Trump, they rioted under Obama, so why wouldn’t they riot under Biden?
In fact, they’re probably emboldened by their previous greatest hits of 2020 and looking to make an even bigger splash in 2021.
I am a Christian, and I love our country, and I hate to think of what a rough ride the next few years will be like.
But through all of the chaos and confusion that many of us are feeling, the One who is really in charge is still on His throne, and He is unshakable, though our world is shaking, and shaking hard.
One more thing... since big tech blocked President Trump on social media, I decided to go ahead and block the Biden administration on all my social media, I think that is only fair.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, our police, the peace of Jerusalem, and for our nation.
God Bless America!
— Charlie Daniels, Jr.
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