What Cookie Really Wants
The unadulterated darling of the media these days and the prototype of Democrat idealism is a slight, outspoken, would-be social engineer and international mover and shaker named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former barkeep from the Bronx in New York.
When any newly elected Democrat comes on the scene who has beaten the electoral odds or attracts an inordinate amount of media attention they immediately become “a rising star in the Democratic party”, and rarely has anybody fit the Democrats' dream more aptly than Ms. Cortez (who I prefer to refer to as "Cookie", don’t know why, but figure if they can dub her AOC, I can call her Cookie) as I feel that such political anagrams should be reserved as honorifics for the JFK’s of the world.
But while the Democrats are smiling all the way to the sound bites, there is a mostly unacknowledged sense of unease creeping in amongst the establishment and more centrist wing of the party as the realization that Cookie Cortez, along with several other members of the freshman class have arrived in town with their own ideas about which direction the party should take.
They have little respect for, or loyalty to, the long-established hierarchy and are siphoning off a goodly portion of media attention, painting the “New Democratic Party” as air-headed, anti-Semitic and foul-mouthed.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are like two old paddle wheeler captains trying to fly a 747. Things are out of control and they simply don’t have the cajones to do what is needed to bring it back into line.
They know that Omar is costing them dearly with moderate voters and Jews, but instead of doing something meaningful like censuring her, they make some toothless resolution that accomplishes absolutely nothing to sooth ruffled feathers, and down deep they know that they have a more or less permanent problem, as Ms. Omar’s hateful rhetoric is not seated in politics but in a rabid ideology and will continue to surface.
Then Cookie - rather than conferring with cooler heads and seeking counsel from experienced players who know the acceptable parameters - tells us the world will end in 12 years if we don’t adopt a laughable piece of tripe she calls the “Green New Deal” which would do away with fossil fuels in ten years, a feat that the top scientists have been trying to come up with for most of the last century.
Most of the provisions of her folly are almost like something a late-night comedian would use in some hyperbolic joke.
And yet the Democrat leadership lacks the intestinal fortitude to take the young lady aside and explain the facts of life to her, that there are much more critical issues to deal with before all the coal mines, refineries airlines and thousands of other satellite businesses can be shut down, that nuclear fallout is more harmful than bovine flatulence, and that people don’t want to be told what to eat, no matter how healthy it is.
Maxine Waters, who seems to think you can impeach a president for wearing socks that don’t match continues her nasal, ad nauseum, “Impeach 45.”
Then there’s Adam Schiff, the patron buffoon of lost causes, who has devoted his undistinguished career to investigating all things Trump.
No collusion?
No problem, we’ll just keep looking, it’s not his money that Mr. Vanilla is spending chasing his rainbows.
So, what will be the next “big thing?”
I predict it will be an all-out assault on private gun ownership.
There has never been a nation that has been taken over from within that has not been disarmed first, and if you think that the “New Democratic Party” has anything less in mind than installing a government that controls your ability to see a doctor, what you drive and where you can drive it, the education of your kids, and in reality, oversee the total dismantling of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, you’d best take another look.
People, please realize something.
These people don’t view the world as we do, they see us as being incapable of governing ourselves, they think everything can be fixed by government and they think that the United States should be radically changed into the image of every other fallen nation who has tried things their way.
So, what does Cookie really want?
Everything, but before domination comes disarmament, it’s essential to their cause.
Look for an underhanded, sneaky, midnight vote type attempt at major gun legislation soon.
Do we sit back and watch this happen?
Speaking as one legal gun owner, voter, taxpayer and patriot, NEVER!
They have no idea how determined a mad bunch of real American patriots can be. We’re not Pelosi or Schumer, to be brushed aside, we’re not afraid of what the media says or thinks, when we stand together, and we will when the going gets tough, you’re going to think that a humongous buzz saw has been cranked up.
So far, this is still the Land of Liberty, let’s keep it that way, “New Democratic Party” be damned.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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