Posted on 10.04.2019

Changing of the Guard

On November 3, 1936 - Six days after I was born on October 28 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to his second term as President of the United States of America and went on to be elected an unprecedented four times, dying in office just a few months into his fourth term.

He had lead America out of the Great Depression and “Hoover” was tantamount to a curse word in our part of the country which was known as “the solid South” a strong Democratic enclave that would remember the Republican administration of Herbert Hoover as a bitter time
of economic struggle and government indifference.

It was to be many years before a Republican could make a dent in the depression-hardened working people of America and it took a war hero with proven bravery and well documented leadership qualities to achieve it and on January 20, 1953, Dwight David Eisenhower came into office for two terms.

John F. Kennedy was a new kind of president, bringing the 20th century and a new sense of style to the White House, a staunch civil rights supporter, which caused a lot of derision in the 1960’s South and his reticence to give the rebels air support in the Bay of Pigs invasion made him a lot of powerful enemies.

And even though he was much maligned by segregationists, anti-Castro expatriates and the more militant members of the House and Senate, and although he lost his life because of some misguided radical beliefs we’ll probably never have all the answers to, he was a very popular president, protected by the media and basically conservative by today’s standards.

Lyndon Johnson came to office with a load of baggage, a fairly shady political past and a proclivity to expand a most unpopular war.

Nixon fell into disfavor early in his tenure and in his desperation to be re-elected covered up a crime that would eventually cost him the presidency.

President Ford was a nice guy from Michigan, decent and wholesome by anybody’s standards and not given to the down and dirty mischief of presidential politics and was replaced by Jimmy Carter who was caught in the crossfire of the emerging Muslim Militancy in the Middle East and a long hostage crisis and a failed attempt at rescue marred his presidency.

Ronald Reagan revived the “America First,” red white and blue contingency, rebuilt the military and restored the nation’s prestige, with his “Don’t Tread On Me” brand of leadership. A true conservative, but respected by opponents.

George H.W. Bush was relegated to one term basically by one phrase concerning taxes. After emphasizing “read my lips, no new taxes”, taxes were raised during his administration and he was viewed as a promise-breaker, which is a shame because he was a decent man.

Bill Clinton, the good ol’ boy from Hope, Arkansas, replete with Southern accent and cracker barrel straight talk, that charmed much of the country, was impeached, but not convicted, a master manipulator and astute politician whose personal life kept overshadowing his presidential one.

George W. Bush was at the wheel during 9/11 and his entire presidency would be shaped by having to respond to Islamic aggression and growing terror threats, instigating the longest war America has ever fought.

Barack Obama came to office with an agenda to remold America into a big government type of pseudo-socialist nation maintaining central control over public and private life

He outspent every president who came before him combined and doubled the National Debt.

Then something happened that was unprecedented in modern American politics.

All the presidents heretofore named were professional politicians with many years prior experience along with the unavoidable baggage that comes along with it. Enemies, allies, favors owed, favors due, party cronyism, major donors with major influence and a list of do and don’t “suggestions” and heavy pressure about who to appoint to cabinet posts and the important administration jobs.

These practices had become institutionalized within the beltway and the real power was concentrated in the hands of a relatively few people, the ones who had access to the ear of the most powerful man in the world.

Hoover was Secretary of Commerce under presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge.

Roosevelt was a former Governor of New York.

Truman was a U.S. Senator from the state of Missouri and Vice President under FDR.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was career military man and Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers during World War II.

John F. Kennedy was a U.S. Senator from the state of Massachusetts

Lyndon Johnson was Speaker of the House of Representatives and Vice President under Kennedy.

Richard Nixon was a U.S. Senator from the State of California and Vice President under Eisenhower.

Gerald Ford was a four-term Republican Congress and House Minority Leader.

Jimmy Carter was Governor of Georgia.

Ronald Reagan was Governor of California.

George H.W. Bush was a U.S. Congressman, Director of the CIA and Vice President under Reagan.

Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas.

George W. Bush was Governor of Texas.

Barack Obama was a U.S. Senator from Illinois.

Donald J. Trump was a businessman, a real estate mogul, a casino owner and host of a hit television show who came to office without even one day of serving in a government office, elected or otherwise.

He was elected by carrying several states the Democrats had owned for decades and according to most of the vaunted polls was supposed to lose to Hillary Clinton, a fact that was smugly touted by all network news people up until about 10 PM CST on election night.

He came to office without the traditional ties that bind, the usual obligations to the good old boys networks in Washington and an air of independence that absolutely horrified the deep state, shadow government or whatever nom de plume you choose to describe the power players and influence peddlers who have pulled strings in our federal government since the days when the president arrived at their inauguration in a horse and carriage.

So is there any wonder that the political patch is in such turmoil, that the Democrats go from one charge to another trying in vain and in frustration to get something to stick?

If Trump is successful in overcoming this all-out frontal assault, and I say all out because it is not just the opposing party he is fighting against. It’s the media, the entrenched business interests, the powerful lobbying firms, the unseen power brokers and multi-million caliber donors, and even members of his own party.

If he is victorious to the point of winning in 2020 and having coattails broad enough to carry majorities of the House and Senate, a goodly portion of the house of cards in Washington will begin to topple.

Because regardless of a hostile media, powerful enemies in high places, both in government and in private life, regardless of all the best efforts of the unseen forces of the power players, nobody can fight the will of the American people and the wrath of a public that discovers it has been bilked and lied to.

“Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:32 New Testament, the Word of God.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


Check out "Mexico Again" from Beau Weevils - 'Songs in the Key of E'


God Bless Trump
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, God Bless President Trump, the USA and Israel, may the gun grabbing democrats be seen by all voters for what they really are, from Kamala Harris formally asking Twitter to suspend President Donald Trump’s account, thereby in her fascist style taking away his First Amendment right as she tries to take your second amendment. I hope that after the Biden's corruption to the core is revealed that we will start to see Obama, Hillary and Holder put under a microscope and the light shined on their dastardly deeds.It is unbelievable how low these scoundrels have sunk and hopefully in the next election we can send some milk toast RINO's like Romney packing as well....nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Can I get a Newsletter?
Can you let me know when you write something. Please. *NOTE* New soapboxes usually every Friday. - TeamCDB/BW
Posted by Jennifer
The legacy media still sets the agenda.
That the legacy media is still able to set the agenda amazes me, because everyone I know claim to hate them. Yet the public (mostly) goes where the legacy media tells them to. Old habits die hard, so the hated media still wield influence.
Posted by Allan
I just wanted to say thank you for writing this and being so eloquent with your words! You said it so well and I was glad to find it on your Facebook page so I could share it!
Posted by Dana
No, Trump Is NOT Different
He’s not against the shadow government, he’s PART of it. He’s one of the “entrenched business interests”. He was buddy-buddy with Bill Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas. His lawyer, Giuliani, was mayor of New York. His VP, Pence, was governor of Indiana. He’s supported by members of the established swamp that he claims he wants to drain. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Changing of the Guard
Thank you for the astute observation. A couple of comments. Your words on Kennedy I think were spot on. I think you will find that Ronald Reagan appealed to voters is that while he held office, he was not a politician like the others. A revolt against the "status quo" started with Jimmy Carter after Watergate, but when the public found out that he was a bit inept (nice guy but sort of lost without a real principle), they turned to leadership. The GOP at the time still did not follow Reagan. Just an observation. :)
Posted by Jerry
The boss
Thank the Lord for allowing this guy at this time at this place to bail us out of the misery of the left , hope 2020 is a win for him and our country.
Posted by Michael
Not True, Tru
Tru, Trump is not part of the swamp, neither is my fellow Hoosier Pence. Pence is a Christian first, politician second. It is the deep Rhino swampers like McCain and Ryan that stopped Trump when he had both houses in his first two years. With Ryan on Fox's board we now have another fox in the Hen House and Fox news will continue to decline. Giuliani is lawyer, just like the scribes and pharisees in the Bible, can't say much good about them, and Cohen being Trumps previous private attorney show's us that Trump is a man and makes mistakes, time will tell about Giuliani.....nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Changing of the Guard
The Ctrl-Left Marxocrats have now been having a three year long hissy fit with a crocheted tail and pink eyebrows because they're still upset that President Trump beat their flawed candidate in an election that the DNC had rigged in her favor. They were sure that they could inject her into the White House by hook or crook, and Americans who think for themselves Voted otherwise. They're frustrated to find that we don't want to be their Subjects and instead choose to remain Citizens. May God Bless and guide President Trump and May God Bless America.
Posted by Kevin
2020 election
All political rhetoric aside, and yes, I am a conservative country boy, we should be praying for a smooth and accurate election in 2020. There are many groups actively seeking our demise, some in country. Let's all be informed and vote accordingly. At the same time, let us not give up our God given right to self defense. Let's all pray for America. We may be facing a violent election year.
Posted by Randy
Mr. Daniels, Thank you and God bless you sir for your service and eternal allegiance to our country, our constitution, and Our Lord Jesus Christ. You are a sage and a profit of our age with your music and with your voice here in the public square! I hope to see you again soon at one of your fantastic performances! 2020 Trump Victory and victories in the House and Senate for We the People for our Constitution, our heritage and posterity!
Posted by Chad
Right on Charlie, our press is like the old Soviet Union, or Nazi Germany... The truth must get out !!!
Posted by Robert
Remember when the creed of the left was to "fight the establishment" ?? ----> Donald Trump has turned out to be the most anti-establishment president in my 60+ years on this Earth. ..... And the anti-Trumpers are -- what ???
Posted by Allan
Stars and Sleezeballs
"economic struggle and government indifference." And I thought we had that for 8 yrs before Trump. Seems like a lot of "decent men" just good get the shaft and lose. Just saying seems like a pattern. On the other hand, sleezeballs seem to do do okay even Jima Carter. "Read my lips" has no affect on Dems and socialists.
Posted by Jeff
President Trump - the nuvo president in USA!
I agree with Charlie Daniels in this article. I am a middle-road politician leaning slightly to the right! I know President Trump very well. I worked in his campaign both in 2016 and now for 2020 re-election! He is a good person, middle-roader, and represents a huge majority of people from all sides! The only ones who bash him are the leftists who don't know which end is up! I predict President Trump/VP Pence will be re-elected in 2020 by a huge margin - over 65% of the popular votes! Mark my words!!
Posted by Roy